The internet's gone all silly. Whether its pages of very silly animals or singing goats, we've all crowded round a screen to laugh at some mundane something or other.
Three appear to be the kings of it all, of late. Their Moonwalking Pony left me tickled last year, but I was truly uplifted by their latest feel good ad; Singing Kitty. It had me punching the air at my desk - and with nearly 3 million views perhaps I wasn't alone (or maybe I was?). It's random and ridiculous sharing material at its best.
Coke have cleverly tapped into the irony of the disengaged / engaged, with their Social Media Guard ad. Encouraging us to free our lives from Social media - the thing that gets in the way of the real world or 'the thing that happens when you run out of battery.' So we can all share put the 'social' back into our lives.
I'll wish I had one of these next time someone reaches to take a photo of their dinner!
Three appear to be the kings of it all, of late. Their Moonwalking Pony left me tickled last year, but I was truly uplifted by their latest feel good ad; Singing Kitty. It had me punching the air at my desk - and with nearly 3 million views perhaps I wasn't alone (or maybe I was?). It's random and ridiculous sharing material at its best.
Three #SingItKitty app ad
Coke have cleverly tapped into the irony of the disengaged / engaged, with their Social Media Guard ad. Encouraging us to free our lives from Social media - the thing that gets in the way of the real world or 'the thing that happens when you run out of battery.' So we can all share put the 'social' back into our lives.
I'll wish I had one of these next time someone reaches to take a photo of their dinner!
Coke's Social Media Guard