During my time at LCC I had the pleasure of meeting Dave Dabnar in his letterpress studio. Once you get past the dodgy scene-setting intro, this film captures Dave's typographic passion and wisdom. I remember thinking that his somewhat ridgid views regarding digital typography, were so valuable. It's so easy to meaninglessly move type and image around a page on a computer. Type setting on the other hand, makes you slow design down much like writing on a typewriter disables you to reshuffle words to make sentences sound good.
I then remembered a friend telling me about Will Self's conversion to typewriting as a way of thinking more about what your creating. Speaking about the difference in approach he says:
"I think the computer user does their thinking on the screen, and the non-computer user is compelled, because he or she has to retype a whole text, to do a lot more thinking in the head," Will Self on Typewriting. Full Article here